20 signs its time to walk away from that relationship

null If your relationship is causing you headaches, remember, it’s
perfectly natural to have moments of doubt. Perhaps you’ve
had a fight recently, or maybe you’ve started thinking about
your ex? If you’ve got cold feet and you’re not sure whether to
stay with your other half, here’s a guide to 20 signs that you
should leave the person you’re with.
1) Your partner is controlling
Ask yourself this – is your relationship balanced? If your other
half is always telling you what to do and you behave like his/
her puppet – is this a healthy way of living? No one should be
above the other person in a relationship, so get your control
back or get out.
2) Your friends don’t approve of your partner
If in doubt – listen to your friends. They want the best for you,
and if they’ve been telling you that your partner isn’t good for
you, they’re probably right…
3) It’s turned into more of a friendship than a relationship
Has the spark gone? Be honest with yourself – are you in the
relationship because of habit rather than passion? Yes it’s true,
passion does fade over time, but if you’ve not been going out
that long and you see your partner as more of a pal, perhaps
it’s time to call it a day.
4) Your partner doesn’t compliment you or make you feel
special anymore
It doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been together, your
partner should always make the effort to make you feel special.
If you find that you feel the opposite – then it might be time to
move on and find someone who gives you that butterflies
feeling that’s been missing for so long.
5) He/she tries to change you
An important part of being in a relationship is the willingness to
accept each others flaws and differences. If your partner is
constantly trying to change you, don’t do it! Be proud of who
you are and stay that way!
6) You find yourself tempted by the idea of being single again
This one speaks for itself. When we’re in a happy relationship
– being single again has no appeal at all. The pros of being in
a relationship massively outweigh the spontaneity of being
single, but if you find it’s the complete opposite, then it’s
probably time to ‘fess up to your partner that things aren’t
7) Your differences are driving you apart
Every couple has differences – and if the relationship is right,
you should embrace them. Be supportive of his passion for the
local hockey team. Be proud of her love of photography. If your
differences are driving you apart, then things will probably
continue to escalate…
8) Your future plans aren’t on the same page
Uh-oh. If you’re on completely different pages (for example,
you definitely want to get married but your partner can’t stand
the thought), then that’s a big hint you’re incompatible. If you
haven’t already, be sure to speak about the important things in
life and find out where you both stand.
9) Arguments are more frequent than the times you get on
Arguments are a normal part of any relationship, but you’re
fighting like cat and dog and the bad times are outweighing
the good, then the stress of such a volatile relationship can’t
be doing either of you any good.
10) He/she lies to you
Yes, sometimes people tell porkies, but if you’re constantly
picking up on lies and feel the trust isn’t in your relationship –
why are you with that person?
11) You’re shy about showing your full range of emotions
Life is full of ups and downs and the turbulent emotions that
go with them – but if you feel you can’t be yourself around
your partner, then you may have built some serious walls in
your relationship. Whether we’re elated, or having a tissues-at-
the-ready major melt-down, you shouldn’t be afraid to let your
partner see you in your most vulnerable state.
12) Your family aren’t close to your partner
Before your partner, you had your friends, before your friends,
you had your family – you should always listen to your
family’s advice as they only want the best for you. If they are
critical of your partner, don’t be offended – instead listen
before you bicker and ask yourself if there’s any truth in it.
13) You are embarrassed by your partner
This is a big no-no. If you’re embarrassed by your partner or
you’re keeping him/her hidden from friends – ask yourself why
you’re with them. You should show nothing but pride for the
person you’re with and you should be bragging rather than
hiding them from your friends.
14) You keep secrets from each other
A fundamental of any relationship is honesty and openness. If
you feel the need to keep secrets, then is this the person you
want to spend the rest of your life with?
15) You don’t miss each other when you’re apart
Everyone loves to have their own space every now and again,
but if it’s got to the stage where you’re relieved when your
partner goes away and you don’t miss him/her anymore – the
warning bells should ring.
16) You don’t find them attractive anymore
Would you describe your partner as sexy? Ok how about hot?
Mildly attractive? If you’re shaking your head to all of these
words and your partner is secretly ticking the ‘turn-off’ box,
then don’t stay in a relationship just because of convenience.
17) You catch yourself thinking of other people instead of
your partner
Maybe there’s someone at work you’ve got a crush on? Or
perhaps an old Uni friend? If you’ve started thinking of other
people at times your full attention should be on your partner,
then this isn’t good for anyone. Watch where your thoughts go,
before it leads into the danger zone of infidelity…
18) Your partner spends more time with his/her friends than
with you
We all lead busy lives, but if your partner has started spending
the majority of his/her time with friends rather than you – it’s
time to ask yourselves if there’s a problem with the
relationship. Is it really ‘friends’ they’re spending time with? It
may be time to find out…
19) Everything your partner does irritates you
We’ve all got pet peeves, but if everything your partner does –
from their laugh, to the way they pick their nails or the way
they eat irritates you, then you may be subconsciously trying
to talk yourself out of the relationship.
20) He/she doesn’t make you a better person
Relationships shouldn’t be about co-dependence, they should
be about two independent individuals whose union improves
each other’s lives. If you can’t think of anything your partner
does to make you a better person – from encouraging you at
work to sharing life values or supporting your wildest dreams,
then it’s time to find someone who does!
Breaking up is never easy, but if you find yourself agreeing
with the majority of these points, then the signs are there that
it’s time to find someone better suited to you! You only live

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